Suggestions and Complaints




We welcome all comments on the services provided by the Practice.

You may submit any comments via reception.

Alternatively you may write to us or contact us by phone.  Our details can be found on our Contact Us page.


Complaints Procedure

This practice operates a Complaints Procedure which accords with the standards and requirements applied throughout the NHS.  If you are unhappy with the treatment or service you have received at the Practice, you are entitled to make a complaint, have it considered and receive a response. The following describes how complaints are handled by Lancaster Gate Medical Centre.

Who can make a complaint?

A complaint can be made by a patient or, with prior consent, a person acting on behalf of a patient.


Who should receive the complaint?

You should make your concerns known immediately to a member of the Practice (GP, nurse, receptionist or complaints manager). A complaint should normally be registered within 6 months of the event(s) or within 6 months of the time a patient first discovers a problem. That limit may be waived at the discretion of the Practice if the complaint could not have been registered earlier.


How should I make a complaint?

Complaints can be made in a number of ways within General practice:

  • Verbally, in person, to any member of staff
  • Verbally via the telephone, to any member of staff
  • In written form addressing to our Complaints Manager, Suja Devan

Local resolution

Action direct with the practice is preferred as discussions immediately following the incident may offer the best chance of reconciliation without the need to invoke the formal complaints procedure. During the process, you should expect to receive a formal acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 working days, and a summary of the findings within the agreed time scale. If the latter timescale cannot be met, the Practice should send you a holding response.


The Health Service Ombudsman

If you remain unhappy after local resolution and independent review, then you can complain to the Health Service Ombudsman on the details below:

Millbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP

Or to the NHS England Complaints Team on 0203 182 4967